Determine your location and send an emoji with a message to friends and contacts on social media, email or sms. Your friends and contacts can open your message on their phone, because it will open automatically if they click the link.
Version 1.3.6 - Release date 14 januari 2025.
Release description - Sending messages has been made easier with Sendamap's own dynamic app chooser. Sendamap now opens initially above the Americas, EMEA and Asia.
Sendamap is part of the "La Maison Chouette" company in France.
Numero de Siret de La Maison Chouette in Vesoul, France 51805869800011
CEO; Volkert Bobeldijk
Finding your position..
Please take a moment to rate us on the Play Store. Your support is very important to us. Click on the stars, to go to the rating page in Google Play.
Unable to retrieve your location.
If you see the three dots on the right top of your phone screen, press them and choose to clean your browser history or select to open Sendamap in your phone browser. If you have the Sendamap app installed, press that option.
If you are opening Sendamap from within Facebook Messenger and you want to have a more permanent solution
to these kinds of problems, you can tell FB Messenger to open links in an external browser, which will work better.
Where do you change that in Facebook Messenger: In Facebook Messenger go to your chat list ("Chats"). Press the little
menu icon on the left top presented by three horizontal lines .
Then on the right top press the settings icon
Scroll down to "Photo's and media" and press it. Then click the "Open links in external browser". Go back to your chat
list. Press the friends chat where you are receiving the Sendamap links and click the SAM link. Enjoy!
If the problem persists, maybe you didn't allow Sendamap to see your location. Therefore the and the
buttons are not working, as they would do with your permission.
1. Sendamap app: Go to your phone settings, find the app list, find Sendamap, go to the storage option, delete the cache and the data, open Sendamap again, allow Sendamap to see your location.
2. Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.: Go to the browser settings, delete your browser's history and load the Sendamap page again. Then allow Sendamap to see your location.
If Sendamap still cannot find your location, then you might be in a location like a tunnel, an underground parking or a building where the sattelite and other internet signals are not available. In that case please move to another location like outside or just wait until there is a better signal and reload Sendamap.
In most modern mobile phones, the positioning feature is available. On machines like laptops and other non-mobile computers, there is no positioning present. In that case the position of the wifi router or the providers local positioning data is used. Maybe in future that will be solved. You can perfectly use Sendamap on these machines, but you will have to adjust your position manually on the map.
One last thing. Sendamap has a built in kompass as well. It's the little "hand" button on your screen. In some older phones, the kompass function isn't built in. But if positioning by GPS is built in, just walk a few meters in some direction and the kompass will start working. Check if your position is found and if your phone has GPS capabilities.
Have fun with Sendamap!